Monday, July 27, 2009

Adrian Fenty’s a big fat liar

Adrian Fenty is the bane of my existence.

Well, not exactly, but oooooo, he makes me mad.

I’ll start this out with a disclaimer. I’m a soccer fan. Specifically, a DC United fan, when it comes down to local talk. I’m also a huge Reading fan, but it is a lot easier to get to RFK Stadium than it is to get to the Madejski.

United needs a stadium. Staying in RFK is a losing proposition, and quite honestly, how much longer that relic of cookie-cutter stadiums remains in service is a matter of question.

The District’s previous mayor, Anthony Williams, made many promises to the team about finding a place for a stadium, but once the possibility of getting the Montreal Expos to the city arose, Williams’ energy was tied up with that project.

Ironically, it was one of the areas when Mr. Fenty’s star began to rise in the city. He was a staunch opponent of funding a stadium to lure Major League Baseball, and his and DC Council chairman Linda Cropp’s antics almost put an end to the District’s chances of getting the ball club.

While Cropp’s role put paid to her chances at the mayor’s office, it had the opposite effect for Fenty, who rode a wave of good will as the city’s champion of the people all the way to the big hou… er… big seat.

Which made Fenty’s appearance at RFK for United’s opening day that year all the more interesting, as Fenty looked straight into the eyes of the teams fans and lied to them, promising to build a stadium. He then took his free Fenty United kit and left the premises.

Why anyone would have believed him that day I’ll never know. This was the man who had almost single handedly put a stop to the Nationals ballpark project. Why would he make a complete 180 for soccer?

But perhaps the understanding that a soccer stadium was the focal point for development of the 110-acre Poplar Point area, land received near the Anacostia from the government earmarked for commercial development, blinded fans to Fenty’s dishonest promise.

Perhaps that in the ensuing months DC United won over Mayor for Life Marion Barry, whose Ward 8 would be home for this development, led fans to believe Fenty’s reluctance to the project could be overcome.

Fat chance. Fenty broke off negotiations last year, and that was that. Rumors are negotiations have resumed in the background, but it seems hard to believe Fenty would be any more open to the project than he was before.

I have no problem with Fenty not wanting to spend public funds on a stadium. I have a big problem with him looking me in the eye and lying.

And that’s why I don’t like Adrian Fenty.

Not because I feel the city is more dangerous since he took office and terminated Chief Ramsey's contract. Not because of his uncanny ability to be on crime scenes for the photo ops before police get there, not because of his questionable choices concerning the school system, and not because of all his “secret trips” he says he doesn’t have to reveal anything about. All are reasons why my wife and I moved out of the city.

I don’t like Adrian Fenty because he is a big, fat liar.

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